Tuesday, December 03, 2019

The Lee/Peace Families

The Lee/Peace Page

Gwendolyn Armstrong married Johnathan Peace

John and Gwen Peace

Brenda and Gramma Peace

Ray Peace, Gramma Peace, Diane

Gwen and John Peace's kids:
  1. Dora (Raymond Lee)
  2. Raymond "Randy" (Diane ?)

Dora Lee's and Raymond Lee's kids:

Debbie (Steve Wright)
  1. Rebecca
  2. Jessica
  3. Amanda
  4. Hannah
    Wanda (Gord Harvey)
    1. Rachel - daughter: Grace
      Grace's daughter: Bailey
    2. Johnathan - son: Jack
    3. Matthew
      Barry (Shelley Hongisto)
      1. Emma
        Tim (Lloydel Peche)
        1. Pamela (Brett Baldwin) - children Liam, Emily
        2. Philip - (Jessica) - children Parker
          Randy (deceased)

          Linda (Jeff McConnell)
          1. Kyle - (Jasmine Bootle) - children Gemma, Oliver
          2. Kathryn (Joe Giannini d. 2021), (Darcy __) - children Hunter
            Brenda (Glen Brown)
            1. Olivia
            2. Ian
            3. Elinor
              Randy Peace's, Diane's (?) kids:
              1. Debbie
              2. Susan (Royal?)
              3. Cathy - ?

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