Thursday, December 22, 2016

Moving Out of 248 Slater

The process of emptying the garage basically took six months. We held a couple of garage sales which moved some items, but not as much as we had hoped. Gerry took Dad's big tool cabinet. Doug took the older, smaller one which was the one Dad originally built when he was thirty or so. There were dozens of cans of paint and various products which we took the recycling depot. Hundreds of pounds of metal. I brought about six snow shovels to Hamilton, as well as a gas weed-whacker.

There was a point when Dad had to come to terms with his possessions, and what it meant to "divest" himself of the tools of his trade. It didn't fully hit home until the time that I had arranged for the purchase of his original red tool box and socket wrenches for about $75. A buyer had driven in from Hamilton to close the deal, but Dad thought the price I had set was unreasonably low. How do you put a price on the tools that represent so much? How do you put a dollar value on the tool box that was your very first, and that you took the time to hand paint your name across the lid?

The truth is, you don't. You don't sell them. You won't. So in the end, I ended up taking that toolbox to Hamilton, along with some other items that seemed too unique or rare to just throw away.

In early December, 2016, we had finally emptied the garage and the house was ready to turn over to the new owners.
We actually emptied it!
On the final day, David Crown came over with his trailer, and we took a couple of loads of metal and recyclables to the dump. Dad took a full tool box over to Palermo, and was able to set up a work area in one of the basement storage areas.

Garage Stuff, Garage Sale

Housewarming Visit on Moving Day
On moving day we said good-bye to 248 Slater Crescent, and we helped Mom and Dad unpack some of their stuff. There was still too much, but we did the best we could. Everyone was happy and relieved to see that we had been able to accomplish such a crazy-big job. Over the coming weeks Mom and Dad settled in to life at Palermo.

Moving Out - Last Load November 2015

Selfie with Mom, likely in November or December 2015 at 248 Slater Crescent.
We're on the back deck.

Sorting through Mom's linens and needlework at Palermo.
Garage Sale Day

Garage Sale Supervisor

Dad's Tool Wall - Now at Gerry's

Mom and Dad looking great

Mom at her desk

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