Sunday, December 27, 2020

Bob Brown, d. December 8 2020

Diana Bonin, Bob Brown, uncle Ron (Ronnie) Brown
September 2017

Kevin McNee, friend of Bob Brown. 
December 13 at 2:04 PM · 
 The world lost a great man this past week. I wanted to share about my time with Bob “Bobby” Brown Bob saw something in me that I didn’t even see in myself. He gave me an opportunity to learn, grow and become the person that I am today. We were golf buddies first, but it felt more like a proud parent golfing with his kid. Bob always reached out to set up rounds for us and I always accepted. We kicked ass too! That cigarette in his mouth, one eye closed and knocking in putts all day, was pretty fun to watch. Watching many of the people we played against shake their heads while Bobby just laughed. When he knew I was playing a round, tournament or not, he was always there to find out how I played. When I played shitty, I think he was more upset than me! Lol. Bob always looked out for me. I remember one time at the oil men’s golf tournament in FSJ, there was a group of us playing a card game called guts. I went after the pot, which would have cost me about $500 (which I didn’t have) if I lost, and everyone else folded except Bob. He just looked at me and said, “you need a better poker face buddy!” I knew right then, he had the card to beat me...and he folded. I never forgot that. Bob gave me my first job in the oil patch. Training me how to run a pressure truck, then bumping me up into dispatch and then to sales. It was a faster transition than expected for someone with zero experience, but he had a plan, I just didn’t know it. Everyone knew Bobby in the patch! Stories of him through the years were endless. And he could tell you every one of them!His memory was unbelievable and if you ever wronged him, he never forgot! His jokes, one liners, and wit were awesome! I remember many times where people would talk back and Bob would put them in their place! “You couldn’t organize a rock fight in a gravel pit!” Was just one of the many sayings I remember. Bobby called me out of the blue a couple months ago and asked if I had time for coffee. He just said he wanted to get together, nothing important. Being always so “busy” I almost said I didn’t have time. I so happy I took the time. We had a great conversation, probably the best we’ve had, about life not just work. I think he knew it would be our last, and I’m grateful he did that. Bobby was one of my biggest supporters, in golf and in life. I will miss him a lot. You definitely deserved more time Bobby. 
Love you Bob ❤️. Thank you for being a part of my life.

Amanda Bonin and Bob Brown

Shayleen Cooper to Diana Bonin 
December 8 at 9:51 PM · 
 My love and thoughts are forever in my heart Bob was like a dad to me one of the greatest kindest loving person I have ever known I love you mom and my heart is thinking of you

Bonnie Brown 
Very nice photos of our dear brother 
Miss him a lot Still wait for his phone calls I know a day will not pass where he will not be thought of His impact on our family was one of keeping things together and was always there in time of need Happy Birthday brother Love you and miss you. 
Jan Monforton to Bonnie Brown yep, I can still hear him answering his cell phone....Bob here! I miss that so much. We talked almost everyday, just checking in on each other.