Monday, August 14, 2006

Our Wedding Day

Originally uploaded by Skippy Flickr.
This portrait was taken in front of Philpott Church in Hamilton. We were glad out guests were willing to do something out of the ordinary and hang around in the hot, humid weather! A great many witnesses to our vows...

Our Wedding Day Portrait

Originally uploaded by Skippy Flickr.
Hot couple! This archway is at McMaster, beside the south end of Edwards Hall. I'll take you there sometime.

Our Honeymoon Flight

Originally uploaded by Skippy Flickr.
Reminiscent of my grandpa Brown's wedding day flight.
We toured over the Pickerel River area.

Brenda & Joe

Originally uploaded by Skippy Flickr.
Brenda sang and Joe played guitar. They worked hard and it sounded great!

Monday, May 22, 2006

Aunt Lorraine

aunt lorraine
Originally uploaded by Skippy Flickr.
That is her. It's been a year and a bit since she passed away.


Originally uploaded by Skippy Flickr.
Uncle Don and Auntie Joan, on mom and dad's 50th.


Originally uploaded by Skippy Flickr.
On April 9, 2005.
Married 50 years!

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Glass House

Posted on

Olivia created this video for her Heritage Fair project in the spring of 2006.

The Guys

Originally uploaded by Skippy Flickr.
Friends 4ever


Originally uploaded by Skippy Flickr.
Visit of Gerry and Deb on May 21 long weekend. Amy fell at the park and broke her arm.